Celestial Resonance
Living Light Language
Kyrona is the original channel and anchor of Celestial Resonance Living Light Language - a sound healing tool of excellence. For 20 years her healing songs have been supporting people all over the world, with over 400,000 views on her youtube channel alone, before she removed live public sharing. She has sold literally 10,000 plus singles via her shop, shared innumerable transmissions in healings, events and via her past websites.
All Kyrona's transmissions facilitate empowerment, mastery and healing by weaving celestial frequencies into the divine blueprint, into communities and into our Earth.
Nowadays, all her timely light language is shared via her Patreon Community, and her online shop.
All Kyrona's sound healing
Rave Reviews

Recently I decided that sound healing would be the next direction for me, and then I found your Light Language and it just transcends everything. It reminds me of a time and place that I miss very much. Whenever I think about learning Light Language I get shivers and goosebumps. This is why I am going to enter your Celestial Resonance Initiation & Activation Workshop!
Katy Keel: London, UK

Kyrona I have received all of your Celestial Resonance downloads both paid & gifted & I am in awe & appreciation, THANKU & THANKU to the Celestial Team. It has helped me to find my way & see who & what I AM & how I fit into the bigger plan. Love Lesley xxxx
Lesley Gewin: Burnie TAS, Australia

I loved my soul song, listened to it twice immediately! It was a welcoming home ceremony with family of light present. You are very gifted with your divine voice & very powerful!
My heart felt the vibrational frequency. At the time of ceremony, I was guided to just lie down – I saw many mandala shapes, beautiful colors and designs, it was very peaceful. I was so up-lifted & felt totally complete!