DIVINE BLUEPRINT ALCHEMY offers you 2 hours of MAGIC that will change your life! You have 2 weeks to complete your 2 hours. WHY JOIN? During your Divine Blueprint Alchemy experience, Kyrona facilitates teaching & ceremony including profound star temple/lightbody technology, frequencies, keys & codes that will ensure:- - Your Divine Blueprint is anchored into the Earth & that any distortions are rectified. - That the communications channels between your Divine Blueprint & the Planets/ Constellations/ Sun & Moon in our Solar System are operating at an optimum ( with clear, uninterrupted, high volume transportation of the frequencies, keys & codes you need in any moment). - That any blocks, patterns & wounding that no longer serve you are cleared, - That any DNA light codes ready to be activated are activated, - YOU WILL FEEL on some level, more grounded than ever before, a deep remembrance & acceptance of who you really are & a profound connection to your destiny & purpose, - You will open to deep re-connection to your past life gifts, that are weaved energetically in your Divine Blueprint & DNA, - You will open to more fully live in celestial flow, successfully navigating & mastering through times of challenge & growth, - You will more easily attract the opportunities you ‘set up for yourself’ in this life, - You will create balance in your life, where you are off track, - AND you will master more fully to co-create an inspired life of passion, joy, balance & fulfillment!
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app