Frequency Healing Sessions
All Kyrona’s sessions are conducted as distance healings – so no matter where you live in the world, you can step in!
Kyrona is a master healer with over 20 years of experience, working with clients all over the world. She facilitates a unique process she has called Mastery & Ascension Frequency Healing® (MAFH).
Sessions with Kyrona are transformational and facilitate change wherever it is needed in your life – QUICKLY! Each session you will receive a potent energetic attunement, timely activations, relevant supportive wisdom and astrological guidance.
The Mastery & Ascension Frequency Healing® (MAFH) process evolved through Kyrona’s personal mastership of several healing modalities, in combination with her own unique gifts & talents. The result is a powerful universal, free-form ‘whole being’ transformational process that really gets results!
Every Mastery & Ascension Frequency Healing session Kyrona facilitates is unique and tailored specifically to the individual she is working with, in that moment. For those having multiple frequency healing sessions (and the majority of clients do - usually once per month), these sessions build one upon the other, moving them forward rapidly. No two sessions will ever be alike!
As the frequency healing facilitator and spiritual counselor Kyrona connects to your energy, then intuitively looks into your multidimensional/physical/etheric body and interacts with it. She is guided in the moment by her intuition, your energy, your soul, your divine blueprint, your astrological transits and more.
As she works Kyrona clears density, disharmony, illness, karmic wounding, blocks, limiting beliefs etc. She then weaves in frequencies, keys and codes as required facilitating healing, balance and harmony in your physical/mental/ emotional and spiritual planes. Importantly she also weaves in electromagnetic frequencies, keys and codes interacting with your DNA, your electromagnetic body and lightbody – supporting your enlightenment, spiritual growth and evolution. During each session she also performs a Self-Mastery Activation.
The frequencies Kyrona weaves during her healing sessions include; crystal frequency, colour and sound, light language, electromagnetic frequency, the elements (earth, air, fire, water, ether), alchemy symbols, cosmic and planetary energies, sacred geometry, Masters & Rays, Sacred Fire, celestial technologies, celestial resonance light language, shamanic healing, essences and more.
Kyrona can easily work with a global client base because she conducts her MAFH sessions by connecting into the Unified Field, Crystalline Grid or Earth and to your DNA. A process that she has absolutely mastered, as can be seen by the amazing testimonials she receives from clients all over the world!
For those who cannot co-ordinate a synchonised time with Kyrona – time locking is available and is very effective with well over 60% of her frequency healings utilising this method of delivery!

How will you benefit from a Mastery & Ascension Frequency Healing Session?
In choosing to journey with Kyrona regularly you will greatly support your awakening and self-mastery journey! You will bring more grace and ease into your life. You will become an empowered co-creator of your reality, embodying your highest vision of yourself, stepping into the life you destined yourself to live!
Buckle down, get ready for change to sweep through your mind/body/soul and reality!
You can expect change, death/rebirth, wherever it is needed in your life – quickly!
You will experience healing on the physical, emotional or mental levels (because these sessions go directly to the source of these issues to create swift and effective sustainable change).
You can expect positive changes in your relationship with yourself, your loved ones, family & friends, even money, as well as positive changes in your environment.
You can expect less struggle, more balance, harmony, grace and ease, more flow in your everyday life!
Expect to go into and move through spiritual initiations and astrological initiations at a rapid rate.
To connect to your unique gifts and talents, to embody them within your being and manifest them into your reality.
To experience your intuitive skills developing and becoming a part of your daily life. Which always leads to increased confidence and an ability to make life choices and decisions, that are aligned to your best life path.
To experience a growing conscious connection & communication with your soul self.
To be lovingly supported and nurtured as you constantly move to the next level of your self-mastery, shifting your frequency and consciousness with as much grace and ease as possible, as quickly as possible!
How to make the most of your session
It’s simple! You cannot get it wrong and it will always be nothing but beneficial! Every session is facilitated in a protected space and aligned with your highest good.
Your First step is to secure your place by booking your frequency healing session.
Within 48 hours, you will receive an email advising you of several times Kyrona is available to facilitate your frequency healing session. This email will also ask you for some specific details (like your date/time and location of birth) – to help her best meet your needs.
At the time of your frequency healing, it is great if you can arrange to be in meditation (the initiation will take 1 hour). If this is not possible for you that is OK – simply set your intent to receive your session at another time and it will be time-locked to run at that time / day /location (preferably within 24 hours).
It is really wonderful if you can create a sacred environment to receive your frequency healing, so find yourself a quiet space in your home, and relax in meditation. Alternatively you can sit / walk / be outside in nature in a place that is sacred or special to you! The nature spirits love to support energy transference. If none of these are possible for whatever reason, just set the intention to receive the frequencies and integrate them effectively, with grace and ease, which is the over-riding intent with all journeys Kyrona facilitates.
Prior to commencing your session Kyrona looks at your Natal Astrology Chart and advises you of any current astrological transits that are impacting you – so that you can consciously attune to these and maximise their benefits (of course your healing session is also supporting this attunement process).
At the end of your session Kyrona opens her channel and brings through a personalised Celestial Resonance Light Code that will support you to integrate the energies of the session, she also records a comprehensive summary of your healing journey that is full of insights, recommendations, tips and healing procedures & guidance for you to work with to support and empower yourself. At this time as guided Kyrona will also usually bring through messages from your higher self and as appropriate offers spiritual counseling.
All your mp3’s and any other items Kyrona feels you require will be emailed to you within hours of your healing sessions completion.
So there you have it – it’s that simple!
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