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8:8:8 Lions Stargate - lighting up your DNA!

Writer's picture: Kyrona Unity HopeKyrona Unity Hope

The energy of the 8th August Annual Stargate contains light codes for the upcoming year! This being an 8 Year it is extra magnified. Kyrona shares wisdom, tips, and tools to support you to make the most of this exciting annual event!

The 8:8 Lions Gate Power Portal is the final of a concurrent PERFECT STARGATE TRIFECTA!

During this 8:8 moment, a stargate is fully open pouring energy from the source of all at the Great Central Sun, through our Sun, the Star Sirius, the Earth grid points of the Sphinx, and the Great Pyramid of Giza. The incoming light codes are vitally important for Earth & Human Evolution, as such YOU WANT to know about this & align with it, to flow with it, and make the most of it!! So let me support you with that…

“It is pure spiritual super-sonic energy, a pure power source. It is success, abundance and big business with an added twist of universal blessings.” Kyrona

In this article I will offer you insights into;

  1. WHAT is the Annual 8:8 Lions Star Gate?

  2. About the Triple Stargate Trifecta – ‘the juicy details you NEED to know!’

  3. HOW you can consciously work with this energy?

1. What is the Annual 8:8 LIONS STARGATE?

The 8:8 Lions Gate Power Portal is the final of a concurrent PERFECT STARGATE TRIFECTA! During this 8:8 moment, a stargate is fully open pouring energy from the 'source of all' the Great Central Sun, through our Sun, the Star Sirius, the Earth grid points of the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Each year during this portal a wave of intense Light from the Galactic Center is being transmitted to the Earth. This “wave” contains the biggest influx of new Light Codes for the Evolution of the Earth over the next year/cycle, and so it is often referred to as the Planetary New Year (although technically the planetary new year physically occurred with the helical rise of Sirius some 3-4 weeks earlier)! It is vitally important to open to fully receive these codes, to light up your DNA, to support you to make another quantum shift, furthering your personal growth!

The 8:8 Stargate assists us in this knowing. Numerologically – this is also supported by the 8:8 double infinity energy and represents "As Above, So Below, and Within!"

So it is not surprising that every year this configuration gifts to you the infinity portal escorting you past all previous limitations. It is a number of going beyond what you know to be your normal boundaries. It asks you to fly to Jupiter and stop by the Milky Way on your way back. It is pure spiritual super-sonic energy, a pure power source. It is success, abundance and big business with the added twist of universal blessings. It is finally remembering about your divine inheritance promised to you by your Creator. It is turning your nose up at earthly limitations and walking forward and upward into a place of opulence and bounty. It is about connecting to and owning your divine purpose, then stepping more fully into the life you destined yourself to live!

WHY is this power portal called the 8:8 Lions Gate?

Kyrona facilitating an 8:8 Stargate Ceremony in 2012, Noosa Main Beach, Australia

The answer is that this name refers in part to the fact that the Sun enters into the sign of LEO at this time, and these energies are integrated into the Earth under the energy of the Lion, the Feline Energies of the Star Sirius which are fierce and proud and very “royal”. It also refers to the fact that around this time each year huge evolutionary stargates open that transmit ascension codes to Earth.

And finally, it refers to the numerology of the date 8th August being the 8:8 double infinity energy, representing the energy of the Merkabah, the “As Above So Below and Within” the realisation of wholeness, oneness, re-connection to source, divine union/divine love – another characteristic of the Leo Constellation (radical radiant self-love)!

2. About the Triple Stargate Trifecta & the Juicy Details about the Lions Gate YOU NEED to KNOW!

STARGATE #1 – this year on July 6/7 July 2024 we experience the first wave of this cycle as the Sun Conjunctes the Star Sirius – opening a portal or “a Super Solar Stargate” that will pour SUPER SOLAR STAR CODES for mastery & ascension down upon us directly from Sirius!

STARGATE # 2 – This will be followed on July 16/17th 2024 by the celestial timing of the Ancient Egyptian or Planetary New Year - heralded by the helical rise of Sirius (which means Sirius is now 7 degrees past the sun, so will emerge from the glow of the Sun and once more be seen in the morning sky – THIS BEING SAID it may be early August in some parts of Earth before Sirius will be seen). As the helical rise occurs another powerful portal begins to open. This will last for about 4 weeks. During this portal, a wave of intense Light from the Galactic Center is being transmitted to the Earth. This “wave” contains the new Light Codes for the Evolution of the Earth for the next year/cycle, and so it is known as the Planetary New Year.

STARGATE # 3 – This year the Sun enters Leo on 22nd/23rd July 2024 and we begin tuning into the final of the trifecta, the 8:8 Lions Gate power portal which peaks on 8/8/2024 and finishes when the sun goes into Virgo on 23rd/24th August 2024.

With this in mind, I want to share with you the following Quote by Celia Fenn…

"The Star system of Sirius has always worked closely with the Evolution of the Earth, assisting where possible. The Sirians assisted in the establishment of the Ancient Egyptian civilization after the Atlantis trauma had destroyed all previous civilizations. The Egyptian civilization carried the "Star Wisdom" and "Creation History" of the Elohim, which was transmitted to the Earth by the Sirian Wisdom Keepers. In Ancient Egypt the Sirians were the Mediators between the Galactic Council at the Central Sun and the people of Earth. Each year, between the 26th of July and the 12th of August, a new wave of Galactic Light from the Central Sun would be directed towards Earth and magnified by the Sun in conjunction with the Heliacal Rising of Sirius in the North. The Sirians would accept this energy into the Pyramid complex at Giza and then transmit the Codes into the Earth Grids, allowing for a peaceful and fluid transmission of the Energies. After the Giza Stargate was closed, the Earth transmissions were still mediated via Sirius, but they were not received coherently by the Earth, and so the Earth's evolution was slowed and even distorted for a while. However, in the last ten years, the Earth has ascended into the Fifth Dimension and has "graduated" to Full Member Status of the Galactic Council, and now the Lion's Gate transmissions are being received directly by the Earth and by the Council of Elders and the Earth Keeper Council and distributed via the new Crystalline Earth Grids. In this way, the Evolution of the New Earth will follow the "directions" of the Light Codes that are received from the Galactic Council and the Great Central Sun. This process is quite new to your Earth, and while the Sirian Light Emissaries are standing by to assist, they are leaving the management of the incoming wave to the Earth Councils and the Family of Light. So, Beloved Family, what you are feeling now is this incoming Wave of Light as it approaches the Earth and is integrated into the Earth Consciousness." Celia Fenn 20/7/2014

I have to say that I agree with Celia’s sharing above! Because I remember it! I was one of the Sirian Wisdom Keepers who supported the shift of the “Star Wisdom” from Atlantis into Ancient Egypt. Thereafter entering Earth to work within the Thoth Mystery School of Ancient Egypt as a Priestess in the Star Temple facilitating the fluid transmission of the celestial frequencies for Earth & Human Evolution. This is why I so love doing this work once more...

As such I am very excited each year since 2012 to be facilitating magical, powerfully transformational – Mastery Initiation & Lightbody Activation Ceremony during the 8:8 Lions Gate.

3. How YOU can work consciously with this years 8:8 Lions Gate & make the most of it!

Below I list some amazing options, that will all support you during this years 8:8 Lions Gate. I rate them in order of potency when it comes to the Celestial Resonance Living Light Language Tools (please be aware all options are powerful and will support you greatly & they can be used in combination with great effect)!

1. STEP INTO MY GLOBAL EVENT - and be lit up!

This is one of my favorite annual alignments, and I am very honoured each year since 2012 to have facilitated magical, powerful transformational – Mastery Initiation & Lightbody Activation Ceremonies during the 8:8 Lions Gate.

This year 2024, I am unable to facilitate such an event globally! Not to worry, you can utilise the other tools here to make the most of it. Especially the transmission listed at step 2.


While by no means as potent as my annual Sirius Solar Stargate Global Event (not on this year 2024) this free gift for you, will support you to feel the powerful ascension frequencies, keys and codes pouring down upon us at this time July – August, from the stargate of the Blue Star Sirius – as a portal opens due to the Sun Conjuncts Sirius Alignment, up to and including the 8:8 Gateway! It will allow you to clear and open to receive these powerful frequencies, in order to shift your frequency higher! It will support you in further enhancing your connection to the unified field of all creation and connecting more fully to your God-self and Oneness.

If you are new to Celestial Resonance Living Light Language, I recommend you review my listening recommendations before experiencing this video.

3. OVER TO YOU Personal Ceremony and Other Activities

During the 8:8 Lions Gatge window you are encouraged to bring ceremony into your life! Whether or not you decide to attend my Global Event on the day, I encourage you to consider the following to help you energetically attune.

  1. Get out and view either Sunset/ Sunrise on the day of the 8:8!

  2. Take time to meditate this day, to consciously breathe in these frequencies, keys and codes. Command your cells to open to receive the incoming dispensations with grace and ease

  3. Support your lightbody as it really gets a workout at this time of the year! Review my recommendations in this article "Common lightbody symptoms caused by Astrological Power Portals and how to manage them".

Enjoy this delicious moment my starry friends and be sure to seed wonderful intentions, seek incredible insights & support for their co-creation as you dive into the oneness field, and fill yourself with the starry ascension codes pouring down upon us!

Celestial Resonance Be Yours! Kyrona x

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I’m planning to watch the sunrise on 8/8 and perform a personal ceremony. I’ll use this time to set intentions for the upcoming year. Any tips for beginners new to these energies? Snake game is known for its simple yet addictive gameplay, requiring players to strategize their movements to avoid collisions and maximize their score.


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