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Venus & Mars Sacred Union 16/17 February 2022

Writer: Kyrona Unity HopeKyrona Unity Hope

Updated: Aug 8, 2023

Magic is in the air – calling you to embody the Sacred Marriage!

On the 16/17th February 2022 – there is a potent & divinely timed CLOSE MEETING of the planets Mars & Venus in the at 16 degrees Capricorn. Am-ping up the energy, even more, is the fact that this alignment is also occurring just a short month since Venus commenced her new Capricorn Wise Woman Synodic Cycle. This alignment represents the sacred union between the Divine Feminine (Venus) and the Sacred Masculine (Mars). Many mythic stories have been created about the joining of Venus and Mars in this configuration in the evening sky – and for good reason!

In consciously attuning to & working with this celestial flow you have a profound opportunity to really fire up these vitally important Mars/Venus aspects of your Divine Blueprint – to really attune to your personal Divine Feminine Venus Archetype & your personal Sacred Masculine Mars Archetype to more fully own these energies within you & to find your own unique balance therein.

The ultimate goal of your connecting into your inner Masculine/Feminine expression is to create the INNER SACRED MARRIAGE, a marriage that blends our personal expressions of Venus & Mars, to produce inner wholeness. This inner wholeness is vitally important if you are to co-create authentic paths of partnership and relationship in your life.

In this article I will offer you insights into;

  1. More about this alignment & what it all means for you & what YOU NEED to know!

  2. HOW you can consciously work with this energy yourself? And some really GREAT HEALING & EMPOWERMENT TOOLS FOR YOU! Including the SACRED MARRIAGE TRANSMISSION!

A VITAL WAY TO SUPPORT YOURSELF DURING THIS MARS & VENUS POWER PORTAL Work with my potent, energetically magical 'The Sacred Marriage Within' Celestial Resonance Living Light Language Transmission. This incredible healing tool will support you with revealing and embodying the Sacred Marriage within and without, for the rest of your life. Buy Now Here It is especially beneficial to work with it this month as Mars & Venus dance together in the heavens above!

1. More about this alignment & what it all means for you & what YOU NEED to know!

Venus who has only recently risen from the underworld as the Morning Star and is now at her first gate and Mars have been within 10° of each other since the beginning of January 2022, this is a long time for them to be together relatively speaking and symbolises a happily ever after kind of scenario. They are meeting together in conjunction at 16 Capricorn on 16/17th February 2022. Energetically they are supporting us with our Sacred Marriage Energy in this current alignment.

More About Capricorn Traits in people

Known as the elders, the wise and ancient ones. The grandmothers and grandfathers who know the rules and how spirit descends into matter. They know the ways to keep life in balance. They know how to efficiently and effectively administrate their domain, celebrating and enjoying life in ways that allow them to thrive. They are the wise counselors and good providers. Capricorn understands the natural laws of life, and how to create structures and societies that benefit all concerned. They know the mysteries of sacred geometry, they know how to work with the planet and her resources, in ways that preserve and nurture the earth, so she will grow and flourish, easily sustaining life for the next 7 generations to follow. Healthy Capricorn also knows when the rules are changing and how to effectively institute new ways of administering their domain to accommodate the natural evolution of life. They are the ones that help to perceive and conceive the new operating manual for humanity, at the turning of the ages and they know how to effectively administrate it in the most effective, supportive, and beneficial ways.

The Shadow Expression of Capricorn

• Driven to achieve according to current cultural standards

• Stuck in old forms

• Stuck on the material level

• Difficulty receiving

• Must be in charge (control issues that is letting go of control)

• Merlin Syndrome – stuck being teacher/leader/elder without a personal life

• Drive toward perfection and overwork without any personal joy

• Feels they must always carry the burdens of others (the scapegoat complex)

• Takes self too seriously.

Venus in Capricorn

Venus in Capricorn is the Matriarch herself. She wants to be honoured and respected for her responsible mastery of her domain. Her intent is to learn responsible administration of her domain. Show Me Respect And I Will Do A Good Job For You!

Mars in Capricorn

Mars in Capricorn is the Elder or Lawgiver. His intent is to bring spirit into matter so as to fully comprehend and then apply the operating manual of life. His sword quality is management and control, and the responsible administration of his domain. I Will Be Respected!

Venus & Mars in Conjunction in Capricorn

Be in no doubt – YOU are being called to nurture the sacred marriage within (in the unique way your Divine Blueprint holds the energy of Venus & Mars) by looking at the structures and foundations of your relationship, the management of your household, your finances and your lives, to create efficiency and balance moving forward. To contemplate how you can also support your community in ways that fuel you and bring balance to the world. And to look to any Capricorn Shadows that may be creating disharmony in your relationships and life.

2. How YOU can work consciously with this Mars and Venus Conjunction & make the most of it!

Below I list some amazing options, that will all support you during this Mars and Venus Conjunction. I rate them in order of potency when it comes to the Celestial Resonance Living Light Language Tools (please be aware all options are powerful and will support you greatly & they can be used in combination with great effect)!

1. Join my Patreon Community and access a powerful Sacred Marriage Transmission Free

Become a Super-Star Member of my Patreon Community to access a free download of my Sacred Marriage Transmission, during this alignment!

Purchase the Sacred Marriage Transmission

Work with my potent, energetically magical ‘The Sacred Marriage Within’ Celestial Resonance Living Light Language Transmission– channeled during the Venus/Mars dance. This incredible healing tool will support you with revealing and embodying the Sacred Marriage within and without, for the rest of your life.

It is especially beneficial to work with it this month as Mars & Venus dance together in the heavens above!

2. Download my 2021 Annual Free Gift to support your Alignment

** new 2022 Free Gift Coming Soon!**

This is a profound energy healing tool. While it will not be as potent as the actual Sacred Marriage Transmission f it will support you! Go here to listen and download Now for FREE

3. OVER TO YOU Personal Ceremony and Other Activities

Be sure to get outside one night while these planets are dancing to view Mars and Venus in the sky together, it is stunning to see!

Ask yourself:-

  • How are the energies of the archetypal feminine and the archetypal masculine showing up for me?

  • Does one have a stronger voice than the other?

  • Are they working together harmoniously?

  • How committed am I to developing both feminine and masculine energy in their whole and sovereign expression within?

  • How might this sacred union within give me greater access to my own creative powers I haven‘t even yet imagined?

Then imagine: –

  • A fully empowered masculine Mars joining in sacred union with a fully empowered feminine Venus as they meet with the Sun to source new ways of relating.

  • Each is ready to meet the other in new ways with great love, respect, and recognition of the value each brings to further empower their conscious, co-creative union, establishing a new pattern of conscious relating that honors the gifts each brings.

I trust that with this information you will be inspired to consciously navigate this powerful and magical moment on Earth, maximising its incredible potential and minimising and challenges that arise for you!

Celestial Resonance Be Yours!

Kyrona x


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